Measurement & Analysis

Web Analytics

Analytics are a hugely powerful source of information, providing visibility on visitor interactions and journeys. It is also often the first place where any issues with site content or activity become evident.

However, the sheer amount of information on hand can be overwhelming. So, it’s helpful to determine which metrics are most valuable when it comes to evaluating both site performance, and the success of marketing activity.

On the other end of the spectrum, any gaps in the data can make it difficult to have a true reflection of the activity and visitor sources that are most profitable or successful.  An audit of your Analytics will highlight any tracking and data issues, to ensure that you can have full confidence in your data.

Analytics Consultancy

Bounce Marketing can:

•    Help you interpret your website statistics by guiding you through key measures.
•    Assist with determining and recognising the data that helps bring clarity to decision-making.
•    Focus in on evaluating performance of marketing activity.

Analytics Data Audit

Covers a full health check on analytics settings, tracking codes, data gaps, measures and conversions.

Bounce Marketing can:

•    Ensure tracking is comprehensive – measuring all activity and sales/conversions accurately.
•    Identify and diagnose any issues.
•    Work with developers to rectify any problems / work on resolutions.

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